Mastering the Cloudrest Trial: A Comprehensive ESO Cloudrest Trial Guide
The Elder Scrolls Online’s Cloudrest trial presents an epic challenge that puts even the most seasoned adventurers to the test. Nestled atop the towering peak of Eton Nir in Summerset Isle, this 12-player instance demands unwavering teamwork, strategic prowess, and an in-depth understanding of its intricate mechanics. In this comprehensive ESO Cloudrest Trial Guide, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to conquer this formidable trial, unveiling its secrets and empowering you to emerge victorious.
Table of Contents
- 1 Accessing the Cloudrest Trial
- 2 Completing the “Woe of the Welkynars” Quest
- 3 Understanding the Cloudrest Trial Mechanics
- 4 What Gear Drops Where & Welkynar Motif
- 5 Cloudrest Achievements
- 6 Final Thoughts
Accessing the Cloudrest Trial
To embark on the Cloudrest trial, you’ll need to venture into the northcentral region of Summerset. From the Russafled Heights Wayshrine, chart a course northward until you reach the awe-inspiring Cloudrest. Alternatively, you can pinpoint its precise location on your Summerset map, ensuring a seamless journey to this monumental challenge.
Completing the “Woe of the Welkynars” Quest
Before delving into the trial’s intricacies, you must complete the “Woe of the Welkynars” quest. This prerequisite task involves exploring Cloudrest and vanquishing the formidable Z’Maja. Upon triumph, seek out Olorime and converse with them to officially conclude the quest. Successful completion will reward you with a generous sum of gold and a coveted Welkynar’s Grounded Coffer for normal difficulty or a Welkynar’s Soaring Coffer for veteran mode. Take note that this quest refreshes weekly, granting you recurring opportunities to acquire these esteemed rewards.
Understanding the Cloudrest Trial Mechanics
The Cloudrest trial is a multifaceted challenge, comprising various areas, each with its own unique obstacles and adversaries. In this section, we’ll delve into the mechanics that govern these encounters, equipping you with the knowledge necessary to overcome them.
Portal Mechanics for Mini-Boss Fights
Before engaging in combat with the mini-bosses, it’s crucial to divide your group into two teams of three damage dealers each. During these encounters, a portal will manifest in the center of the room, prompting one of the pre-formed teams to enter it together. However, teams cannot enter the portal consecutively; they must alternate their entries.
Within the portal’s realm, known as the “Shadow Realm,” three crystals await destruction. Each shattered crystal will reveal a Malevolent Core orb, which unleashes damaging projectiles upon the three players present. Shielding and self-healing abilities are paramount in this treacherous domain.
As crystals are obliterated, golden shards will materialize in the “normal world,” where the remaining group members reside. These players must utilize synergies to transport the shards into the Shadow Realm. The team within the Shadow Realm should refrain from seizing the orbs until the shards have been successfully delivered. Once the shards are present, players can acquire the orbs and deposit them within the shards, triggering a potent damage-over-time effect that can only be mitigated through swift movement.
It’s important to note that entities known as Adds will gradually approach the portal from within the Shadow Realm. While they cannot be slain there, they can be rooted. If these Adds reach the portal, they will emerge in the normal world, necessitating your group’s swift intervention. Failure to expedite the portal mechanics will result in the spawning of formidable “Yaghra Monstrosities,” colossal spider-like entities that pose a significant threat to your group’s survival.
Upon entering the portal, players will be afflicted with a debuff, visually represented by a black swirl encircling their character. This debuff prevents them from re-entering the portal until it dissipates, typically after two minutes or upon death. This mechanic underscores the necessity of forming two portal teams, ensuring a seamless rotation.
Mini-Bosses: Shades of Galenwe, Siroria, and Relequen
In the Cloudrest trial, you’ll encounter three mini-bosses, each accompanied by a formidable Gryphon ally. These adversaries, known as Welkynars, possess unique abilities and mechanics that must be mastered to achieve victory.
The human Welkynar and their Gryphon companion cannot remain in close proximity, as their combined might is amplified, resulting in increased damage output. Consequently, it’s imperative to maintain a strategic distance between them during combat.
The Gryphons possess a potent bleed attack that inflicts substantial damage upon the tank. This assault must be either dodged or mitigated through exceptional healing capabilities. To ensure triumph, both the Welkynar and their Gryphon ally must be slain simultaneously, as the survival of either entity will spawn hazardous creeper tentacles that can stun and damage your group.
Shade of Galenwe and Gryphon Falarielle (Ice Damage)
The Hoarfrost Mechanic: When the Gryphon Falarielle rears onto its hind legs and blinks white, the Hoarfrost mechanic will be triggered, afflicting a random player. This effect is visually represented by a white glow enveloping the character. The Hoarfrost slows movement, inflicts damage over time, and emanates area-of-effect damage to nearby players. After six seconds, a synergy will manifest, enabling the afflicted player to dispel the Hoarfrost. However, this action will also unleash area-of-effect damage within a five-meter radius.
The dispelled Hoarfrost will manifest as ice on the ground, necessitating another player to swiftly acquire it. If left unclaimed, the ice will unleash damaging projectiles upon the entire group, with the intensity escalating over time. Once three distinct players have acquired and dispelled the Hoarfrost, it will dissipate temporarily before resurfacing on a new random player.
Ice Explosion: Three players will be simultaneously targeted by this mechanic, indicated by a gradually filling circle beneath their feet. Once the circle is complete, an Ice Comet will strike, inflicting substantial damage. To survive, players must block the impact; failure to do so will result in knockdown and potentially lethal injury. Overlapping circles will amplify the damage, necessitating strategic positioning to avoid catastrophic consequences.
Shade of Siroria and Gryphon Silaeda (Fire Damage)
Fire Comet: When the Gryphon Silaeda rears onto its hind legs and blinks orange, it will launch a fiery comet skyward. This comet will ultimately descend upon a random player, creating a yellow area-of-effect around them. To survive the comet’s impact, at least three players (two for normal difficulty) must share the blast radius. Failing to meet this threshold will result in the targeted player’s demise.
Consequently, it’s crucial for the group to remain in close proximity, enabling swift convergence when a player is targeted. The targeted individual should remain stationary, allowing teammates to gather within the area-of-effect circle. Increasing the player count beyond the minimum requirement does not further mitigate the comet’s damage.
Fire Circles: Upon reaching 50% health, Siroria will leap into the air and unleash three slow-moving fire area-of-effect circles upon landing. Contact with these circles inflicts substantial damage, necessitating shielding, blocking, or evasion. Two ticks of damage from these circles are often sufficient to fell even the hardiest adventurers.
Shade of Relequen and Gryphon Belanaril (Shock Damage)
Voltaic Overload: When the Gryphon Belanaril rears onto its hind legs, screeches, and blinks gray, two players will be afflicted with the Voltaic Overload. This debuff curses the players’ active weapon, causing it to inflict severe damage upon their allies. A warning will precede this mechanic, granting a brief window to swap weapons and thereby determine which skill bar becomes unusable for the next ten seconds.
Once the debuff’s duration expires, a blue lightning beam will manifest above the afflicted players, accompanied by a vast blue area-of-effect encompassing a 20-meter radius around them. Immediate weapon swapping is imperative; failure to do so will result in the players unleashing lethal lightning bolts upon their allies and themselves.
After ten seconds, the debuff will dissipate, allowing players to revert to their original weapon. For healers, it’s advisable to slot an emergency healing ability on their off-bar, mitigating the potential consequences of an inadvertent skill bar lockout.
Shock Beam Stun: Upon reaching 50% health, Relequen will begin targeting players with a Shock Beam. If left uninterrupted, this beam will stun its targets, potentially leading to catastrophic consequences. The tank must prioritize interrupting this mechanic to prevent untimely deaths within the group.
Main Boss: Z’Maja and Shade of Z’Maja
The colossal Z’Maja, a formidable sload, serves as the trial’s primary adversary. While positioning is not a critical factor in this encounter, as Z’Maja will maneuver freely, ensuring that the boss faces away from the group is paramount to survival.
Teleport: From the outset, Z’Maja will continuously teleport around the room, necessitating constant repositioning by the group. The tank’s primary responsibility is to maintain aggro and ensure Z’Maja’s gaze is averted from the group, even during teleportation sequences.
Orb Blast: Z’Maja will charge and unleash a massive ranged purple orb, targeting whomever holds aggro. As the tank, you can block this assault or employ ranged protection abilities from your class, set, or skills.
Mind Blast: Specifically during teleportation sequences, Z’Maja will aim multiple Mind Blast attacks at the individual holding aggro, typically the tank. While the tank can withstand these assaults through blocking, damage dealers and healers are unlikely to survive prolonged exposure. To mitigate this threat, Z’Maja must be positioned facing away from the group at all times, if possible. Flanking the boss while the tank reestablishes aggro can help minimize casualties.
Orbs: Throughout the encounter, groups of three orbs will persistently spawn and drift toward the group. Destroying these orbs should be an absolute priority, as failure to do so will result in their detonation, unleashing stunning effects and potentially lethal damage upon the group.
Death Shadows: When a player perishes, a dark shadow will manifest from their corpse. This shade must be slain before attempting to resurrect the fallen ally. Failure to eliminate the shade will result in an instantaneous demise for any player attempting to revive the deceased.
Darkness: The two players positioned farthest from Z’Maja will be afflicted with a dark beam, emitting a ground-based area-of-effect that pursues them. Kiting this effect by moving in a circular pattern is crucial until it dissipates. Strategically positioning a long-range healer or an additional tank to serve as the second kiter can alleviate the burden on the main tank.
Pizza!: After Z’Maja’s health drops below 60%, large cone-shaped area-of-effect attacks will emanate from the central portal. Evading these cones is essential, as contact will teleport players to the Shadow Realm. Conversely, players within the Shadow Realm will be returned to the normal world if struck by these cones. However, if a player possesses the debuff preventing portal entry, contact with these cones will result in their demise.
Portals: The portal mechanic employed during the main boss fight is similar to that of the mini-boss encounters, with a notable twist. Within the Shadow Realm, more crystals will be present, some of which are decoys. Players must systematically destroy crystals until all three Malevolent Core orbs are revealed.
Additionally, a massive area-of-effect circle will emanate from the portal, gradually expanding to engulf the entire room. Once the circle reaches its maximum extent, a devastating explosion will annihilate any players caught within its radius. To survive, players must seek refuge in one of the room’s corners and activate the “Wind of the Welkynars” synergy, a whirlwind of leaves and feathers. This synergy will propel players onto an elevated platform, shielding them from the explosion below. However, the platform is not a permanent sanctuary, as the same explosion will eventually occur there, necessitating a timely descent.
A tank must accompany each portal team to confront Z’Maja’s shadow image within the Shadow Realm. This entity replicates the real Z’Maja’s attacks and damage output, requiring the tank to establish aggro and position the shadow image facing away from the portal entrance. Self-healing abilities are essential for the tank’s survival in this treacherous domain.
Once all three orbs have been deposited within the shards, the team will be teleported back to the normal world, triggering the spawning of additional adversaries. The most formidable of these is the Yaghra Spider, a potent foe capable of inflicting healing debuffs and substantial damage. The portal tank should engage and eliminate this threat, allowing the main tank to reassume control over Z’Maja while the off-tank prepares for the next portal rotation.
Nocturnal’s Favor: This one-shot mechanic involves Z’Maja charging and unleashing a massive projectile at the individual holding aggro. While the tank can survive this assault, all other players would perish. This underscores the importance of the off-tank’s presence within the Shadow Realm, as Z’Maja’s shadow image will employ the same devastating attack.
Laserbeam: Z’Maja will periodically emit two laserbeams from the top of her head, necessitating kiting by the targeted players. These beams, reminiscent of those encountered in Scalecaller Peak, follow their targets, inflicting substantial damage and healing debuffs upon all players within their area-of-effect. Designating a specific player to kite these beams away from the group can mitigate potential casualties.
Teleporting Cone: Starting at 60% of Z’Maja’s health, a cone-shaped area-of-effect will emanate from the portal in both the normal and Shadow Realms. Contact with this cone while in the Shadow Realm will teleport players back to the normal world, and vice versa. However, if a player possesses the debuff preventing portal entry, contact with this cone will result in their demise.
Shades (Spawn if someone dies): If a player perishes during the encounter, a dark shade will manifest from their corpse. This entity must be eliminated before attempting to resurrect the fallen ally, as failure to do so will result in an instantaneous demise for any player attempting the revival.
Creeper Tentacles: Upon reaching 40% health, Z’Maja will summon Creeper Tentacles throughout the room. These tentacles must be prioritized and swiftly destroyed, as they inflict ground-based attacks that target, stun, and silence players, rendering them unable to use abilities for several seconds.
Execute Phase: Once Z’Maja’s health is depleted, her Shadow Image will manifest in the center of the room, initiating the execute phase. During this phase, Creeper Tentacles and purple orbs will continue to spawn, necessitating their swift elimination. Additionally, the laserbeam mechanic will persist, requiring designated kiters to maintain evasive maneuvers.
Heal Debuff in Execute Phase: During the execute phase, some group members will be afflicted with a potent healing debuff, accompanied by high incoming damage when Z’Maja raises her hands. This debuff must be mitigated through exceptional healing output, as it will only dissipate once the afflicted player’s health is restored to maximum. Coordinating healing efforts and ensuring players are positioned within range is crucial during this phase.
Z’Maja Mainboss +1
To tackle Z’Maja Mainboss +1, a slight adjustment to the group composition is recommended:
2 Healers
3 Tanks (1 Main Tank and 2 Off-Tanks)
7 Damage Dealers (preferably with self-healing capabilities)
The inclusion of an additional tank allows for a more efficient rotation, with one tank dedicated to maintaining aggro on Z’Maja while the other two alternate between the Shadow Realm and engaging the formidable Yaghra Spider that spawns upon successful portal completion.
The mini-boss encounter commences when Z’Maja’s health reaches 50%.
Z’Maja Mainboss +2
The group composition for Z’Maja Mainboss +2 remains consistent with the previous encounter:
2 Healers
3 Tanks (1 Main Tank and 2 Off-Tanks)
7 Damage Dealers (preferably with self-healing capabilities)
In this iteration, the first mini-boss spawns at 65% of Z’Maja’s health, while the second emerges at 35%. Additionally, at 40% health, Creeper Tentacles will begin spawning, necessitating simultaneous engagement with both the mini Boss and the Tentacles. Prioritization is key, with Orbs taking precedence, followed by Tentacles, the Yaghra Spider Monstrosity, and finally the mini-boss.
Z’Maja Mainboss +3 Hardmode
The group composition remains unchanged from the previous encounters:
2 Healers
3 Tanks (1 Main Tank and 2 Off-Tanks)
7 Damage Dealers (preferably with self-healing capabilities)
Three tanks greatly facilitate the completion of this challenging mode. One tank maintains aggro on Z’Maja, while the second kites the Darkness mechanic and engages any spawned adds. The third tank accompanies the portal team, contending with Z’Maja’s formidable shadow image within the Shadow Realm.
The first mini-boss manifests at 75% of Z’Maja’s health, with the second and third appearing at 50% and 25%, respectively. Once defeated, the mini-bosses remain shackled to the ground for the remainder of the encounter, eliminating the need for further engagement.
It is crucial to eliminate the Shock Boss (Relequen) before reaching 40% of Z’Maja’s health, as this is the threshold for Creeper Tentacle spawns, which can significantly complicate the encounter.
The order of mini-boss spawns is as follows:
75%: Fire Boss (Siroria)
50%: Shock Boss (Relequen)
25%: Ice Boss (Galenwe)
Prioritization is paramount, with Orbs taking absolute precedence, followed by Tentacles, the Yaghra Spider Monstrosity, and finally the mini-boss. Failure to swiftly eliminate the Orbs will result in them charging into the group, stunning players and potentially causing numerous casualties. The Tentacles, with their root and silence effects, should be the second priority target. While the Spider can be temporarily tanked, it should be the third target for elimination. Lastly, the mini-boss, though formidable, poses the least immediate threat and can be addressed after the other priorities have been addressed.
What Gear Drops Where & Welkynar Motif
The Cloudrest trial offers a diverse array of gear rewards, with varying degrees of perfection and associated drop locations. This section will provide a comprehensive overview of the gear distribution and the coveted Welkynar Motif.
Perfect and Imperfect Gear
Imperfect Gear: Drops from normal mode and veteran mode side bosses.
Perfect Gear: Drops from the veteran main boss encounters (+0, +1, +2, +3).
Imperfect Gear Pieces in Normal Mode
Z’Maja +0: Imperfect Weapons
Z’Maja +1: Imperfect Weapons & Body Pieces
Z’Maja +2: Imperfect Weapons, Body Pieces & Blue Jewelry
Z’Maja +3: Imperfect Body Pieces, Weapons & Purple Jewelry
Perfect Gear Pieces in Veteran Mode
Z’Maja +0: Perfect Weapons
Z’Maja +1: Perfect Weapons & Body Pieces
Z’Maja +2: Perfect Weapons, Body Pieces & Purple Jewelry
Z’Maja +3: Perfect Body Pieces, Weapons & Gold Jewelry
Welkynar Motif Drops
The Welkynar Motif, a highly sought-after cosmetic item, can be acquired through the following encounters:
Normal Mode:
Z’Maja +0: 0 Motif Pages
Z’Maja +1: 0 Motif Pages
Z’Maja +2: 0 Motif Pages
Z’Maja +3: 1 Motif Page
Veteran Mode:
Z’Maja +0: 2 Motif Pages
Z’Maja +1: 4 Motif Pages
Z’Maja +2: 6 Motif Pages
Z’Maja +3: 10 Motif Pages
Cloudrest Achievements
Conquering the Cloudrest trial unlocks a series of prestigious achievements, each representing a significant milestone in your journey. These achievements not only serve as a testament to your skill and perseverance but also offer unique rewards and bragging rights within the gaming community.
A Sload and Her Shadow: Defeat Z’Maja with one Welkynar shade fighting by her side in Veteran Cloudrest.
Cloudrest Completed: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in Cloudrest.
Cloudrest Conqueror: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in Veteran Cloudrest.
Cloudrest Contender: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in the same fight in Cloudrest.
Cloudrest Savior: Complete the listed achievements for Cloudrest.
Cloudrest Vanquisher: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in the same fight in Veteran Cloudrest.
Core Coordination: While battling Z’Maja, after activating a single Welkynar’s Light, activate two more Welkynar’s Lights and destroy three Malevolent Cores within the next 6 seconds in Veteran Cloudrest.
Flares and Deadly Shadows: While battling Z’Maja with Siroria’s shade by her side, utilize a Roaring Flare attack and achieve 20 killing blows against Shadows of the Fallen in Veteran Cloudrest.
Misery Loves Company: While battling Z’Maja with all three of the Welkynars’ shades by her side, a player with the Hoarfrost affliction and two other players with the Voltaic Overload affliction share the damage of the Roaring Flare eruption in Veteran Cloudrest.
One Core, No More: Defeat Z’Maja with each group member picking up and destroying only one Malevolent Core in Veteran Cloudrest.
Shocking Instinct: While battling Relequen’s shade by itself, no player is hit by Voltaic Overload and no player spreads Voltaic Current to other players throughout the entire encounter in Cloudrest.
Speedy Sload Slayer: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe within a time limit of 15 minutes in Veteran Cloudrest. Timer starts when players enter the Cloudrest Aerie.
Surviving the Shadows: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe without suffering a group member death in Veteran Cloudrest.
The Mystic’s Ice: Have Galenwe’s shade destroy 20 roaming Hoarfrost cyclones with his Spiked Ice attack in Cloudrest.
The Path to Alaxon: Defeat Z’Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in the same battle without suffering a group member death within 15 minutes of entering the Cloudrest Aerie in Veteran Cloudrest.
Three’s Deadly Company: Defeat Z’Maja with two Welkynar shades fighting by her side in Veteran Cloudrest.
Valorous Combustion: While battling Siroria’s shade by itself, every Roaring Flare throughout the entire encounter must be split between at least 6 players in Cloudrest.
Welkynar Style Master: Learn every chapter in the Welkynar style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing the Cloudrest Trial.
Yaghra Blockade: While battling Z’Maja during a single Shadow World event, prevent all yaghra from entering the gateway and crossing into the mortal realm on 15 separate occasions in Cloudrest.
Achieving these feats not only showcases your mastery of the Cloudrest trial but also unlocks unique rewards and accolades within the game.
Final Thoughts
The Cloudrest trial stands as a testament to the epic challenges that await adventurers in The Elder Scrolls Online. By mastering its intricate mechanics, fostering unwavering teamwork, and honing your strategic prowess, you can emerge victorious against even the mightiest adversaries.
Remember, at GladiatorBoost, we offer professional ESO boosting services tailored to your specific needs. Whether you seek assistance in conquering the Cloudrest trial or any other aspect of the game, our experienced team is ready to provide you with the support you need to elevate your gaming experience.
Embrace the challenge, forge unbreakable bonds with your allies, and let your legend resonate throughout the annals of Cloudrest. The path to glory awaits those with unwavering determination and an insatiable thirst for adventure.
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