Relic Weapons:

Manderville Weapons Boost

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    ✔️ Service Completion Time: ~ 2 Days

    The Ultimate Guide to Manderville Weapons Boost in FFXIV

    If you’re a Final Fantasy XIV player eagerly looking to acquire the best-in-slot Relic Weapons, you’ve come to the right place! The Manderville Weapons Boost offered by GladiatorBoost is your ticket to being among the first to equip these powerful weapons while adding a touch of style to your adventures. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the Manderville Weapons Boost, from its benefits to the process of acquiring these coveted relics.

    What will I get?

    100% Guaranteed Manderville Weapons!

    Have any questions? Contact us on Discord: @GladiatorBoost – Or open a LiveChat with us. Our support will always do its best to help you with any queries.

    What is the Manderville Weapons Boost?

    Unlike previous relic weapons in FFXIV, the Manderville Weapons require more than just material grinding. Players must complete an entire Hildibrand questline to obtain these unique weapons. However, if you haven’t had the chance to complete the questline or simply want to save yourself the headaches, the Manderville Weapons Boost is the perfect solution. With this boost, you’ll receive the desired weapon relic for your job, the ability to purchase replica weapons, Allagan Tomestones, and even achievements to showcase your accomplishments.

    How to Start the Hildibrand Questline

    To embark on the Hildibrand questline and begin your journey towards obtaining the Manderville Weapons, you’ll first need to reach level 50. Once you’ve achieved this milestone, head to U’ldah and locate Wymond, who can be found between the Aetheryte and the Adventurers Guild. Speak to Wymond and accept the quest titled “The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen.” This initiates your involvement in the Hildibrand questline.

    As you progress through the Endwalker expansion and complete the main scenario, you’ll unlock the next phase of the Hildibrand questline. Look for the quest called “The Sleeping Gentleman” in Radz-at-Han and speak to the Excitable Youth to begin this part of the journey.

    The Benefits of the Manderville Weapons Boost

    By opting for the Manderville Weapons Boost, you gain access to a range of benefits that enhance your FFXIV experience. Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect:

    1. Desired Weapon Relic for Your Job

    The primary advantage of the Manderville Weapons Boost is the acquisition of the desired weapon relic for your specific job. Whether you’re a Paladin, Black Mage, or any other job in the game, you can rest assured that the boost will provide you with the relic weapon tailored to your needs.

    2. Replica Weapons

    In addition to the actual relic weapons, the boost also allows you to purchase replica weapons. These replicas are perfect for players who wish to have multiple glamour options or simply want to showcase their collection in style. With the Manderville Weapons Boost, you won’t have to settle for just one look.

    3. Allagan Tomestones

    As a bonus, the Manderville Weapons Boost also grants you Allagan Tomestones. These valuable items can be exchanged for a variety of useful items, such as gear, crafting materials, and even mounts. With the boost, you’ll not only acquire powerful weapons but also have the means to further enhance your character’s overall strength.

    4. Achievements

    For the completionists and avid collectors among us, the Manderville Weapons Boost offers a range of achievements. These achievements serve as a testament to your dedication and mastery of the Hildibrand questline. Display them proudly and let others know of your impressive accomplishments.


    In conclusion, the Manderville Weapons Boost offered by GladiatorBoost is the ideal solution for Final Fantasy XIV players seeking to obtain the best-in-slot Relic Weapons for Endwalker. With the boost, you’ll not only acquire the desired weapon relic for your job but also gain access to replica weapons, Allagan Tomestones, and valuable achievements. Whether you choose to complete the Hildibrand questline yourself or opt for the additional options provided by GladiatorBoost, the journey towards obtaining the Manderville Weapons will be a memorable one. Embrace the power and style of these unique relics and make your mark in the world of FFXIV.

  • 💳 Place your order securely via our website

    🙋‍♂️ We immediately appoint the fastest available Booster to begin working on your order

    😃 Your boost starts, with 24/7 tracking via your “Order Chats” page

    ✨We complete it in the shortest amount of time, and ask you to give us a review!

    We aim to make the experience as easy, pain-free and honest as possible. If you have any questions, our 24/7 Live Support is here to help.

    We use Discord for support too. Our Discord team is best suited for advanced inquiries, or custom offer curation. Feel free to add us! Our username: @gladiatorboost

    Additional Options Explained

    High Priority Order: This option allocates you a dedicated booster which will spend extra hours and time on your order. This means it will be started and completed significantly faster than standard orders.

    – This option is recommended to expedite the boosting process by around 20-30% in time-savings on your order ETA.

    ⚡Lightning Fast Order: This option allocates you the BEST Booster for your ordered service, which will start your service as fast as it is received, as well as spend a remarkably longer time per day on your service. This option speeds the entire boost process up by over 50%.

    – This option is recommended to decrease the processing time exceptionally, as well as to pair you with the current top PRO Player for the service.

  • Level 90 job;

    Completed MSQ ;

    Completed Hildibrand questline.

  • FAQ: FFXIV Manderville Weapons Boost

    To address any lingering questions you may have about the Manderville Weapons Boost, we’ve compiled a helpful FAQ section:

    Is there a relic weapon for Endwalker?

    Yes, there is a relic weapon for Endwalker, and it was revealed to the public in July 2022. However, acquiring these relic weapons is tied to the Hildibrand questline, making the Manderville Weapons Boost an invaluable resource for players who want to obtain them quickly and efficiently.

    How do I start the Hildibrand quest?

    To start the Hildibrand questline, you’ll need to be at least level 50. Head to U’ldah and find Wymond, located between the Aetheryte and the Adventurers Guild. Speak to Wymond and accept the quest titled “The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen.” This will set you on the path towards acquiring the Manderville Weapons.

    Once you’ve progressed through the Endwalker main scenario and completed all previous Hildibrand quests, you’ll unlock the next phase of the questline. Look for the quest called “The Sleeping Gentleman” in Radz-at-Han and speak to the Excitable Youth to begin this part of the journey.


Overall rating 5 out of 5 alt 2337+ reviews