
MW3 Serpentinite Camo Boost

Overall rating alt 2240+ reviews
  • 🕒 Service Start Time: 5 – 20 Minutes
    ✔️ Service Completion Time: ~ 5 Days

    CoD Serpentinite Camo Boost: Your Ultimate Guide to Mastery

    Conquering Modern Warfare Zombie mode is no walk in the park, especially when aiming for the esteemed CoD Serpentinite Camo Boost. This camouflage is the pinnacle of accomplishment, only attainable after securing both the Golden Ivory and Serpentinite Camos for every weapon. This article serves as your comprehensive guide in this pursuit, offering insights on how you can leverage experts to attain this lofty goal efficiently and accurately.

    What will I get?

    Unlock Golden Enigma, Zircon Scale, Serpentinite camos for all weapons;

    Maximum weapon levels achieved, complete base camo challenges;

    Earn 1-4 basic skins per chosen weapon, plus Military rank XP.

    Have any questions? Contact us on Discord: @GladiatorBoost – Or open a LiveChat with us. Our support will always do its best to help you with any queries.

    The Prestige of the Serpentinite Camo Boost

    The journey towards obtaining the CoD Serpentinite Camo is not for the faint-hearted. It involves navigating through the intricacies of the MWZ mode and requires a significant investment of time and gaming prowess. The reward, however, is absolutely worth it.

    Securing the Serpentinite Camo is a testament to your gaming skills, making you stand out amongst your peers and showcasing your unrivaled gaming proficiency. Let GladiatorBoost guide you through this journey, assisting you in attaining this extraordinary achievement, and cementing your status as a MW3 legend!

    Service Commencement: 15-20 minutes | Boosting Duration: 7 -14 days.

    Exclusive MWZ Serpentinite Camo Boosting Rewards

    By opting for our MWZ Serpentinite Camo Boosting service, you unlock a cornucopia of rewards:

    Unlocking Golden Enigma camo for all weapons.

    Earning Zircon Scale camo for all weapons.

    Securing Serpentinite camo for all weapons.

    Maxing out chosen weapon(s) level.

    Completing all weapon(s) base camo challenges.

    Obtaining 1-4 basic skins for chosen weapon(s).

    Gaining some exp for Military rank.

    Available for PC, Xbox & PS.

    The Process of MWZ Serpentinite Camo Boosting

    Availing the Serpentinite Camo service for MWZ is a simple, streamlined process. Below, we break down the purchase and order completion process into easy-to-follow steps:

    Select any additional services if required. Feel free to chat with us for any queries.

    Finalize your purchase and provide your contact details.

    We will reach out to you within 4-7 minutes to schedule the boost.

    Our team will initiate the MWZ Serpentinite camo boost promptly.

    The booster will commence gameplay on your selected platform.

    Optionally, we can live stream the gameplay, allowing you to monitor your order’s progress.

    Your order is deemed complete once you acquire the Serpentinite Camo and receive the associated rewards.

    Your Security is Our Priority

    When opting for our Modern Warfare 3 Serpentinite Camo Boosting service, we prioritize your security. We adhere to strict guidelines to ensure safe and secure service provision:

    We staunchly oppose the use of cheats or any supplementary software.

    We employ VPN services to mimic your IP address, creating the impression of you playing the game.

    We value your privacy. Our boosters will not interact with your friends and will appear offline during gameplay.

    With GladiatorBoost’s CoD Serpentinite Camo Boost service, you can focus on enjoying the game rather than grinding endlessly. Trust our team of professionals to help you attain any camo, especially the elusive Serpentinite.

  • 💳 Place your order securely via our website

    🙋‍♂️ We immediately appoint the fastest available booster to begin working on your order

    😃 Your boost starts, with 24/7 tracking via your “Order Chats” page

    ✨We complete it in the shortest amount of time, and ask you to give us a review!

    We aim to make the experience as easy, pain-free and honest as possible. If you have any questions, our 24/7 Live Support is here to help.

    We use Discord for support too. Our Discord team is best suited for advanced inquiries, or custom offer curation. Feel free to add us! Our username: @gladiatorboost

    Additional Options Explained

    High Priority Order: This option allocates you a dedicated booster which will spend extra hours and time on your order. This means it will be started and completed significantly faster than standard orders.

    – This option is recommended to expedite the boosting process by around 20-30% in time-savings on your order ETA.

    ⚡Lightning Fast Order: This option allocates you the BEST Booster for your ordered service, which will start your service as fast as it is received, as well as spend a remarkably longer time per day on your service. This option speeds the entire boost process up by over 50%.

    – This option is recommended to decrease the processing time exceptionally, as well as to pair you with the current top PRO Player for the service.

  • Pre-requisites for CoD Serpentinite Camo Boost

    Before you embark on this journey with us, ensure you meet these basic requirements:

    Possess access to MWZ game mode;

    Understand that this service is provided in piloted mode.


Overall rating 5 out of 5 alt 2240+ reviews