To buy WotLK Gladiator Boost, choose your additional options & click the “buy” button. Fill out your information on our checkout page & we’ll add you on Discord: GladiatorBoost#0030 to confirm your order ID & get your WotLK Gladiator Boost scheduled in ASAP!
Should you have any questions about if your gear will be good enough for the WotLK Gladiator boost or anything else, do not hesitate to talk to us! You can do so by opening a web chat with us (bottom right of your screen) or adding us on Discord: GladiatorBoost#0030.
If you have any custom inquiries or general questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We take everything into consideration and with the upmost professionalism & confidentiality.
Requirements for WotLK Gladiator Boost
“I have Full PvP Gear” – Choose this if you have full Season 6 PvP Gear, including off pieces & Weapons.
“I require PvP Gear” – The price of this varies depending on how progressed your character’s gear is. Open a chat with us and we’ll clarify that for you.
“All Inclusive” – The booster will fully gear a character and obtain Gladiator on it for you!
Requirements vary for every class/spec, please open a chat with us to confirm gear requirements are met. It’s easiest to do this with us on Discord: GladiatorBoost#0030