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Diablo 4 Mount Guide: How to Get Mounts and Customize Your Ride

June 18, 2023

Latest posts by Valencia (see all)

    Are you ready to explore the vast open world of Diablo 4? As you traverse the regions and dungeons of Sanctuary, having a mount by your side can greatly enhance your journey. In this comprehensive Diablo 4 mount guide, we will delve into the details of how to obtain mounts, unlock their customization options, and make the most of their unique abilities. So saddle up and get ready to ride!

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to Mounts in Diablo 4
    2. Unlocking Your First Mount
    3. Exploring Act 4: Donan’s Favor Quest
    4. Summoning and Dismissing Your Mount
    5. Class-Specific Dismount Abilities
    6. Customizing Your Mount
    7. Mount Trophies and Bardings
    8. Rare Mounts and Discoveries
    9. Mounts in End-Game Content
    10. Final Thoughts and Tips


    1. Introduction to Mounts in Diablo 4


    In the expansive world of Diablo 4, mounts serve as invaluable companions that allow you to traverse long distances swiftly. Whether you’re embarking on quests in bustling towns or venturing into the depths of treacherous dungeons, mounts will save you precious time and provide a sense of freedom. However, it’s important to note that while mounted, engaging in combat directly is not possible. To participate in battles, you’ll need to perform a dismounting attack.


    2. Unlocking Your First Mount


    Obtaining your first mount in Diablo 4 requires completing the “Donan’s Favor” quest, which becomes available after finishing Acts 1-3 of the main story campaign. These acts can be tackled in any order, but all three must be completed to unlock Act 4. Once you’ve reached Act 4, head to the city of Kyovashad and visit the Stablemaster to start the “Donan’s Favor” quest. Upon completion, you’ll receive your first mount for free.


    3. Exploring Act 4: Donan’s Favor Quest


    Act 4 in Diablo 4 introduces the “Donan’s Favor” quest, where you’ll interact with Donan in the Cathedral of Light. After this initial encounter, proceed to Kyovashad and speak with the Stablemaster to initiate the quest and acquire your mount. The Stablemaster can be easily located by following the horse icon under Services in the city. Completing this quest will grant you your first trusty steed.


    4. Summoning and Dismissing Your Mount


    Once you have a mount, summoning it is a simple task. With a press of a button, your mount will appear at your side, ready to carry you across the world of Sanctuary. However, keep in mind that there is a 10-second cooldown period after dismounting, preventing you from repeatedly summoning and dismissing your mount. It’s also important to note that mounts cannot be summoned in dungeons or indoor areas, but they can be summoned in villages.


    5. Class-Specific Dismount Abilities


    Each class in Diablo 4 has its own unique dismount ability, allowing you to unleash powerful attacks upon dismounting. These abilities add an extra layer of strategy to your gameplay, enabling you to surprise enemies and turn the tide of battle. Here are the dismount abilities for each class:

    • Necromancer: Bone Spike – Leap from your mount and conjure spikes from the ground.
    • Rogue: Volley – Leap from your mount and rain down a flurry of arrows.
    • Barbarian: Bounding Slam – Leap from your mount and pound the ground with tremendous force.
    • Sorceress: Freezing Wake – Leap from your mount and freeze enemies in their tracks.
    • Druid: Pummel – Transform into a Werebear and deliver powerful blows upon dismounting.

    To unlock these class-specific dismount abilities, you must first acquire the Dismount ability and then progress further to unlock the specific ability for your chosen class.


    6. Customizing Your Mount


    In Diablo 4, you have the option to customize the appearance of your mount. To change the look of your mount, visit a Stablemaster in any settlement. They offer a variety of different mounts for purchase, allowing you to find one that suits your style. However, keep in mind that some mount skins can be quite expensive, reaching up to 100,000 Red Dust. Alternatively, you may also discover mounts within chests or as loot dropped by certain monsters, providing more options for customization.


    7. Mount Trophies and Bardings


    Enhance your mount’s appearance even further with mount trophies and bardings. These unique decorations can be obtained by completing specific missions, looting them from monsters, or purchasing them from select vendors. Mount trophies and bardings add a personal touch to your mount, making it stand out from the rest. Additionally, these customization options do not provide any buffs or bonuses to your mount’s performance but are purely aesthetic.


    8. Rare Mounts and Discoveries


    As you explore the world of Diablo 4, you may stumble upon rare mounts and make exciting discoveries. Some mounts are obtained through special events or by completing specific objectives. For example, the Ghastly Reins mount can be acquired by successfully completing the Gathering Legions event in Kor Dragan. These unique mounts add a touch of exclusivity to your collection and serve as a testament to your achievements in the game.


    9. Mounts in End-Game Content


    Once you’ve obtained a mount, it becomes an invaluable asset in tackling end-game content in Diablo 4. Mounts allow for faster traversal between dungeons, Strongholds, and zone events, enabling you to efficiently farm for loot and complete challenging encounters. Maximizing your spawn rates and learning optimal routes will greatly enhance your chances of obtaining legendary drops and rare mounts.


    10. Final Thoughts and Tips


    In conclusion, mounts play a crucial role in Diablo 4, providing swift transportation and enhancing your overall gameplay experience. By completing the “Donan’s Favor” quest in Act 4, you’ll unlock your first mount and gain access to a world of possibilities. Customize your mount, unlock class-specific dismount abilities, and collect rare mounts and decorations to create a truly unique and powerful companion. Remember to strategize during battles, as dismounting provides an opportunity to unleash devastating attacks. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to conquer the challenges that await you in Diablo 4.

    Embrace the freedom of riding through the vast landscapes of Sanctuary and let your mount be your loyal companion in your epic adventures. So gear up, mount up, and embark on an unforgettable journey in Diablo 4!

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