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ESO Arcanist Class Guide: Unleashing the Power of Apocrypha

June 14, 2023

Latest posts by Valencia (see all)

    Welcome to the ultimate ESO Arcanist Class Guide! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the latest addition to The Elder Scrolls Online, the Arcanist Class. We will delve into the unique mechanics, skill lines, builds, and overall playstyle that set the Arcanist apart from other classes in ESO. This guide will provide you with the knowledge you need to master the Arcanist and unleash the true potential of Apocrypha.


    Table of Contents

    • Introduction to the Arcanist Class
    • Arcanist Class Gameplay Mechanics
      • The Power of Apocrypha
      • Crux Mechanic: Exclusive to the Arcanist
    • Arcanist Class Skill Lines
      • Herald of the Tome: Offense
      • Apocryphal Soldier: Defense
      • Curative Runeforms: Healing and Support
    • Arcanist Builds and Playstyles
      • DPS: Stamina and Magicka
      • Tank: Master of Defense
      • Healer: Restorative Power
      • PvP: Combat Versatility
    • Race Selection for Arcanist
    • Crux System and Generation
    • Arcanist Skills: A Closer Look
      • Herald of the Tome Skills
      • Apocryphal Soldier Skills
      • Curative Runeforms Skills
    • Best ESO Arcanist Builds
    • Conclusion


    Introduction to the Arcanist Class


    The Arcanist Class is the seventh playable class introduced to The Elder Scrolls Online, arriving with the Necrom Chapter on June 5th, 2023. The Arcanist is a mystical class that harnesses the power of runes, ancient tomes, and the energy of Apocrypha, the realm of Hermaeus Mora in Oblivion. This new class offers a fresh and unique experience for both new and veteran players, providing powerful abilities and never-before-seen mechanics that set it apart from the existing six ESO classes.


    ESO Arcanist Guide



    Arcanist Class Gameplay Mechanics


    The Power of Apocrypha

    The Arcanist Class derives its abilities and power directly from the realm of Apocrypha, home to Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Memory. This connection allows the Arcanist to wield destructive, defensive, and restorative magic, offering a versatile playstyle that can adapt to any situation on the battlefield.


    ESO Arcanist Guide



    Crux Mechanic: Exclusive to the Arcanist


    The Arcanist introduces a unique combat mechanic known as Crux, which is exclusive to this class. Certain Arcanist abilities generate Crux, which can be accumulated during combat and then spent to enhance the effects of specific abilities. A maximum of three Crux can be stored, and activating an ability that utilizes Crux will consume all available Crux, making the ability more powerful and effective.

    Proper management of your Crux is essential for maximizing the Arcanist’s potential, as strategically spending Crux at the right time can greatly increase the impact of your abilities.


    Arcanist Class Skill Lines


    The Arcanist Class in ESO features three unique skill lines: Herald of the Tome, Apocryphal Soldier, and Curative Runeforms. Each skill line focuses on a different aspect of gameplay, allowing the Arcanist to excel in offensive, defensive, and supportive roles.


    Herald of the Tome: Offense

    The Herald of the Tome skill line is designed for an offensive playstyle, offering a variety of damage-dealing abilities that manipulate arcane energies to bombard enemies with magical attacks. Key abilities in this skill line include Runeblades, which generates Crux while dealing damage, and Abyssal Impact, a powerful debuffing ability that can be enhanced with Crux.



    ESO Arcanist Guide


    Apocryphal Soldier: Defense

    The Apocryphal Soldier skill line focuses on a defensive playstyle, providing the Arcanist with the means to protect themselves and their allies using magical runes. Noteworthy abilities include Runespite Ward, which can buff your party’s defenses and create an explosive damage shield, and the powerful Gibbering Shield ultimate, which envelops the Arcanist in a protective barrier.



    Curative Runeforms: Healing and Support

    The Curative Runeforms skill line emphasizes a restorative playstyle, granting the Arcanist access to various healing runes to mend themselves and their allies. Key abilities in this skill line include Runemend, the class’s primary burst heal, and Apocryphal Gate, which allows the Arcanist to summon portals for rapid traversal.



    Arcanist Builds and Playstyles

    The Arcanist Class offers a variety of builds and playstyles, allowing players to choose the role that best suits their preferences. Whether you prefer to deal damage, tank, heal, or engage in PvP, the Arcanist has options for you.


    DPS: Stamina and Magicka

    For those who enjoy dealing damage, the Arcanist excels as a stamina DPS, thanks in part to the medium armor passives and dual-wield abilities. However, the Arcanist can also perform well as a magicka-based damage dealer in group settings, with light armor offering additional penetration bonuses.


    Tank: Master of Defense

    As a tank, the Arcanist can provide excellent crowd control, unique buffs, and debuffs. With a built-in class taunt, major and minor breaches, and the powerful Minor Courage passive, the Arcanist is a formidable tank, both in PvE and PvP content.


    Healer: Restorative Power

    Though the Arcanist lacks a strong burst heal, it compensates with incredible buffs, debuffs, and passives that benefit any group. By utilizing Restoration Staff abilities for burst healing, the Arcanist can become an exceptional healer in any content.


    PvP: Combat Versatility

    The Arcanist’s versatility extends to PvP combat, where its unique abilities and passives can be utilized in various ways. While it may lack the burst damage or healing of other classes, the Arcanist’s strengths lie in controlling the battlefield and providing valuable support to allies.


    Race Selection for Arcanist

    While race choice may not have a significant impact on your overall performance in ESO, selecting the right race can provide a small advantage, particularly for players looking to optimize their build. Below is a table outlining our recommended race choices based on the role you wish to fulfill as an Arcanist:


    Role Best Race Secondary Race Choice
    Stamina Damage Dealer Khajiit Dark Elf
    Magicka Damage Dealer High Elf Dark Elf
    Tank Imperial Nord
    Healer Breton Argonian

    Crux System and Generation

    The Crux system is an essential aspect of the Arcanist’s gameplay, as it directly influences the effectiveness of your abilities. By generating and consuming Crux, you can amplify your damage, healing, and defenses, making it a critical mechanic to master.

    To optimize your Crux generation and consumption, you’ll want to strike a balance between building Crux and spending it on abilities that provide in-combat advantages. Maintaining your buffs, healing, and damage over time skills in between Crux generation and consumption will ensure that you can continually benefit from the bonuses provided by Crux.


    Arcanist Skills: A Closer Look

    Now that we have a broad understanding of the Arcanist’s gameplay mechanics and skill lines, let’s take a closer look at some of the key abilities that will define your playstyle as an Arcanist.


    Herald of the Tome Skills

    The Herald of the Tome skill line includes several crucial abilities for offensive playstyles:

    • Fatecarver: The Arcanist’s primary damage ability, this channeled beam attack deals massive damage over several seconds and can be enhanced with Crux. Its morphs can either reduce the skill cost or snare enemies while increasing the duration.
    • Runeblades: This spammable ability deals damage while generating Crux, making it a critical component of the Arcanist’s rotation. Morphs can either increase critical chance or add a small AoE damage component.
    • Abyssal Impact: A powerful debuffing ability that also deals damage, Abyssal Impact can be further enhanced with Crux. Morphs can either strengthen the debuff or turn it into an execute ability, dealing more damage to low-health enemies.


    Apocryphal Soldier Skills

    The Apocryphal Soldier skill line provides the Arcanist with essential defensive tools:

    • Runespite Ward: This ability buffs your party’s defenses while providing an explosive damage shield. Morphs can either increase the shield’s effectiveness or add a healing component.
    • Gibbering Shield: The Arcanist’s potent defensive ultimate, Gibbering Shield summons a barrier of protective tentacles that grant a massive damage shield. Morphs can either strengthen the shield or extend its protection to your allies.


    Curative Runeforms Skills

    The Curative Runeforms skill line focuses on healing and support abilities:

    • Runemend: The Arcanist’s primary burst heal, this ability also generates Crux when used. Morphs can either provide additional healing or generate ultimate.
    • Apocryphal Gate: This ability allows the Arcanist to summon portals for rapid traversal, generating a Crux each time they teleport. Morphs can either increase movement speed or allow allies to use the portals.


    Best ESO Arcanist Builds

    Despite its unique mechanics and playstyle, the Arcanist is designed to be accessible to all players, whether new or experienced. With a variety of builds and playstyles available, you can find the perfect Arcanist build to suit your preferences and playstyle.




    The Arcanist Class offers a fresh and engaging experience for both new and veteran ESO players, with unique mechanics, abilities, and playstyles that set it apart from other classes in the game. Whether you prefer to deal damage, tank, heal, or engage in PvP combat, the Arcanist has options for you. With this ESO Arcanist Class Guide, you now have the knowledge you need to master the Arcanist and unleash the true potential of Apocrypha.

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