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ESO Necromancer Class Guide: Unleash the Power of the Undead

June 11, 2023

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    Welcome to this comprehensive ESO necromancer class guide, where we will explore the ins and outs of this unique class in The Elder Scrolls Online. Necromancers are powerful spellcasters who manipulate the forces of life and death to summon undead minions, heal allies, and control the battlefield. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, this guide will help you master the necromancer class and unleash its full potential.


    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to the Necromancer Class
    2. Pros and Cons of the Necromancer Class
    3. Starting Out as a Necromancer
    4. Attributes and Skills
    5. Necromancer Skill Lines
    6. Recommended Skills for Different Builds
    7. Gear and Weapon Recommendations
    8. Mundus Stones and Champion Points
    9. Vampire or Werewolf: Which is Best for a Necromancer?
    10. Necromancer Builds for Various Playstyles


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    1. Introduction to the Necromancer Class


    The necromancer class in ESO is a versatile and unique class that offers a wide range of abilities to suit various playstyles. With their ability to summon undead minions, support allies with powerful healing spells, and control the battlefield using dark magic, necromancers are a force to be reckoned with.

    Necromancer is a DLC class, meaning it is not available in the base game and requires the purchase of the Elsweyr expansion. This class is suitable for both Magicka and Stamina-based builds, and can excel in every role, including damage dealing, healing, and tanking.


    2. Pros and Cons of the Necromancer Class


    Before diving into the world of necromancy, it’s crucial to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this unique class.



    • Versatile class suitable for all roles and playstyles
    • Powerful AoE and single-target damage abilities
    • Excellent self-healing and support spells
    • Unique and engaging playstyle based on corpse management



    • Some abilities considered “criminal acts” in-game, leading to issues with guards
    • Not beginner-friendly due to complex mechanics and micromanagement
    • Reliance on short-duration pets and tethers can be challenging


    3. Starting Out as a Necromancer


    As a new necromancer, your primary focus should be on learning the basics of the class and understanding its unique mechanics. Begin by choosing whether you want to create a Magicka or Stamina-based necromancer, allocating your attribute points accordingly.

    To level up your necromancer and its skills efficiently, use a combination of grinding XP at specific locations, clearing Dolmens, and completing group content. Don’t forget to unlock important skills and passives from your class, weapon, and guild skill lines as you progress.


    4. Attributes and Skills


    When allocating attribute points, focus on either Magicka or Stamina, depending on your chosen build. Magicka-based necromancers should put all attribute points into Magicka, while Stamina-based necromancers should allocate all points to Stamina. For tank builds, consider a mix of both attributes.

    As you level up, prioritize unlocking and leveling your class’s active skills and passives, as well as relevant weapon and guild skills.


    5. Necromancer Skill Lines


    Necromancer class skills are divided into three distinctive skill lines:

    • Grave Lord: Focuses on offensive spells, summoning undead minions, and elemental damage
    • Bone Tyrant: Offers tanking and defensive abilities, as well as crowd control spells
    • Living Death: Provides powerful healing and support spells, as well as resurrection abilities

    Each skill line offers unique abilities for both Magicka and Stamina-based builds, providing a wide range of options for various playstyles.


    6. Recommended Skills for Different Builds


    Depending on your chosen build and playstyle, you’ll want to prioritize different skills from the necromancer skill lines, as well as weapon and guild skills.

    • Magicka DPS: Focus on skills from the Grave Lord skill line, such as Flame Skull, Blastbones, and Boneyard. Also, consider Destruction Staff skills like Wall of Elements and Elemental Drain.
    • Stamina DPS: Utilize skills like Stalking Blastbones, Detonating Siphon, and Beckoning Armor from the necromancer skill lines. Additionally, consider weapon skills from Dual Wield, Two-Handed, or Bow skill lines.
    • Healer: Prioritize healing spells from the Living Death skill line, such as Render Flesh, Resistant Flesh, and Life Amid Death. Don’t forget Restoration Staff skills like Grand Healing and Regeneration.
    • Tank: Focus on defensive abilities from the Bone Tyrant skill line, like Bone Armor, Beckoning Armor, and Bone Totem. Also, utilize One Hand and Shield skills such as Pierce Armor and Heroic Slash.


    7. Gear and Weapon Recommendations


    In terms of gear, Magicka-based necromancers should aim for five pieces of light armor, one medium, and one heavy, while Stamina-based necromancers should wear five medium armor pieces, one light, and one heavy.

    For weapons, Magicka necromancers should primarily use an inferno staff, while Stamina necromancers can choose between Dual Wield, Two-Handed, or Bow weapons, depending on personal preference.


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    8. Mundus Stones and Champion Points


    Mundus Stones offer powerful buffs that can significantly enhance your necromancer’s performance. Early on, choose the Atronach or Serpent Mundus Stone to boost Magicka or Stamina recovery, respectively. Later, consider switching to the Lover, Thief, Warrior, or Apprentice Mundus Stone, depending on your role and playstyle.

    As you earn Champion Points, allocate them strategically to unlock passive and slottable stars that enhance your character’s abilities. For more detailed information on Champion Points and optimal allocation, check out our Champion Points Guide.


    9. Vampire or Werewolf: Which is Best for a Necromancer?


    Both Vampire and Werewolf can offer unique benefits and drawbacks for a necromancer. However, neither is necessary to fully enjoy the class. For more information on the pros and cons of each, consult our ESO Vampire vs Werewolf Guide.


    10. Necromancer Builds for Various Playstyles


    Whether you prefer solo PVE, group content, or PVP, there are numerous necromancer builds available to suit your needs. Experiment with different skills, gear, and playstyles to find the build that works best for you.

    In conclusion, the necromancer class in ESO offers a versatile and engaging playstyle that can excel in all roles and content types. With this ESO necromancer class guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of necromancy and unleashing the power of the undead on your enemies. Happy summoning!

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