
That’s Pretty Neat!

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  • That’s Pretty Neat! is an achievement introduced to World of Warcraft in the Dragonflight expansion. This is an exploration based achievement, tasking players to take pictures with 20 different birds across the Dragon Isles. To do this, players need to use a S.E.L.F.I.E camera, and upon completion, grants this achievement and an awesome “Birdwatcher” title.

    Keep in mind, that some of the birds only spawn in Dungeon zones.

    That’s Pretty Neat! Achievement Guide in WoW:

    Players will need to locate and take S.E.L.F.I.E’s with 20 birds around the Dragon Isles. The full criteria list of birds are:

    Avis Gryphonheart
    Chef Fry-Aerie
    Eldoren the Reborn
    Forgotten Gryphon
    Halia Cloudfeather
    Iridescent Peafowl
    Palla of the Wing
    Quackers the Terrible
    Zenet Avis

    Some birds are much easier to track down and achieve progress on. For example, Halia Cloudfeather can be tracked down using the command /way 63.27 57.09 or /way 58.62 20.77, as the crafty bird rotates between these areas. However, Quakers the Terrible requires utilization of Duck Trap Kit, locatable with this command: /way #2023 70.40 63.54 Duck Trap Kit. Players then need to combine it with 1x Large Steady Femur, 3x Contoured Fowlfeather and 2x Tallstrider Sinew to create an Empty Duck Trap. Next, throw the empty duck trap onto a Pinewing Millard creating a Trapped Duck. Lastly, place this on a Large Nest as a decoy, and Quackers the Terrible will appear.

    If you thought that process was complicated, there are 19 more birds in which are ever-so smart and craftier than our friend Quackers. However, there is an effortless and affordable way to skip this – try GladiatorBoost’s That’s Pretty Neat! Achievement Boosting service. Our expert WoW players have completed this achievement over 50 times, as they now know it like the back of their hand. We’ll get the job done in the shortest amount of time, whilst you relax and reap all of the rewards, including Birdwatcher title. Text us via live-chat support if you need any further assistance.


    A level 70 character in WoW Dragonflight.


Overall rating 5 out of 5 alt 2033+ reviews