
Veteran of the Fourth War

Overall rating alt 2033+ reviews
  • Veteran of the Fourth War Title was introduced to World of Warcraft in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Players must complete the full BFA War campaign to earn this exclusive account-wide title, specific to their faction (Alliance or Horde).

    Veteran of the Fourth War Title Guide:

    Veteran of the Fourth War Achievement and Title consists of 3 chapters in total:

    Ready for War;

    Tides of Vengeance;

    Old Soldier or Most Loyal.

    A difficulty players face is finding where they left the BFA campaign previously, after using the zone solely for levelling. However Veteran of the Fourth War Title hones prestige – players actively come back to BFA to achieve it.

    If you’re struggling or lost with Veteran of the Fourth War achievement, campaign for the title – GladiatorBoost offers a boosting service which can help you earn the title in the shortest amount of time. Our proficient boosters know the quest zones like the back of their hand, proven to be capable to fulfil it rapidly. Text us via live chat to learn more.


Overall rating 5 out of 5 alt 2033+ reviews